We’re excited to present our most recent Trestleboard. Our monthly Trestleboard includes the most up-to-date information about our lodge. You can download our Trestleboard by clicking the links below:
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We’re excited to present our most recent Trestleboard. Our monthly Trestleboard includes the most up-to-date information about our lodge. You can download our Trestleboard by clicking the links below:
Say hello to a series of brand-new web resources for prospects and new members available on freemason.org, the online home of the Masons of California.
In Sacramento, the California Masonic Foundation is refining an approach to philanthropy that benefits all.
Maybe you’ve seen the square and compass logo on buildings around town or wondered about the meaning of emblems like the Masonic trowel. What’s the history behind Masonic symbols, and how do they factor into what happens in a lodge?
Could the simple act of joining a MasonicLodge be the key to rebuilding trust and strengthening democracy?
In this issue of California Freemason Magazine, we’re exploring the ways in which groups like the Masons can help members build social capital—a term first popularized by the sociologist Robert Putnam.
What does ChatGPT have to say about Freemasonry? In the newest issue of California Freemason magazine, we asked the AI for its take.
Whether it’s the super idea behind a new charity, the fantastic team powering the state’s fastest-growing lodges, or the marvels of lodge administration, these heroes don’t wear capes, but they do wear aprons.
Check out our latest video feature, an enlightening conversation between Grand Master G. Sean Metroka and Prince Hall Grand Master David San Juan, two distinguished leaders in California #Freemasonry.
Take a deep dive into the history and legacy of Prince Hall the man, as well as the history of the organization that today bears his name.
In this issue of California Freemason, we’re exploring what it takes to get new lodges off the ground, and how they define themselves within the landscape of Masonry in the state.
Dear Brethren, With immense joy and profound honor, I embrace my first responsibility as Senior Warden to celebrate and recognize the remarkable efforts of our brothers at Crocker Lodge 212. It’s like offering wages for their invaluable contributions. To Kit Crisostomo, EA: Your selfless dedication has been a cornerstone of our Lodge, much like the […]
Dear Brethren, The month of October went by so swiftly and noticeably, the unusual warm weather in our area has not caused the leaves to turn into colorful ones. Although the warm weather has extended the opportunity to spend time outdoors, I must say that our Lodge members have undertaken many activities. Looking back, the […]
As November ushers in the Christmas month, our cherished Crocker Lodge 212 is gearing up for a season of vibrant events, fellowships, and social gatherings. Brethren and their families will once again convene at the Lodge, united in the spirit of togetherness, to celebrate the Yuletide season. Amidst the excitement of planning activities to enhance […]
Between July 10–21, we’re asking all members who are comfortable doing so to post a short message on Facebook or Instagram saying why Freemasonry is important to you.
Crocker Lodge 212’s July Stated meeting was an extraordinary event that will be cherished for a time. It marked the official visitation of Worshipful Gerard Michael Wilson, the esteemed Inspector of the 151 Masonic District, representing the prestigious Grand Lodge of California. His presence ensured that the values and virtues of Freemasonry were thriving within […]
In the Magic Issue of California Freemason magazine, we’re casting a light on some of those similar connections between magic and Masonry.
By: Peter Cossid Crocker Lodge, known for its vibrant gatherings and storied traditions, found itself in the midst of an exhilarating surprise during yesterday’s Stated Meeting. Assistant Grand Lecturer Worshipful Gary Quintrell, accompanied by the Inspector Worshipful Michael Wilson, graced the lodge with their official visit, leaving members buzzing with excitement. As is customary, the […]
The joys of May have arrived! This month holds great significance for Masons, as its spiritual and symbolic meanings align with our moral teachings. May guides us in the pursuit of true friendship, honoring shared traditions, fostering lifelong relationships, and focusing on personal development to build character with strong values. It reminds us of our […]
In the South It is with great pleasure that I address you today as your Junior Warden. As we all know, the role of the Junior Warden is primarily to take charge of the refreshment of the Lodge during our meetings and ceremonies. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss the importance […]